The Freedom of Information Act 2000
The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000 provides public access to information held by Cardiff Metropolitan University. It does this in two ways:
- The University is obliged to publish certain information about its activities; and
- Members of the public are entitled to request information from the University.
The Act covers any recorded information that is held by Cardiff Metropolitan University which includes printed documents, computer files, letters, emails, photographs, and sound or video recordings.
The Act does not give people access to their own personal data. If you want to see information that the University holds about you, you must make a data protection Subject Access Request.
Cardiff Metropolitan University’s FOI Policy is a statement of the University’s commitment to the FOIA.
Publication Scheme
As well as responding to requests for information, the University must publish information proactively. The Act therefore requires the University to have a Publication Scheme.
A Publication Scheme commits the University to make information available to the public as part of its normal business activities. Classes of information include:
- Who we are and what we do;
- What we spend and how we spend it;
- What our priorities are and how we are doing;
- How we make decisions;
- Our policies and procedures;
- Lists and registers; and
- The services we offer.
Cardiff Met’s Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
How to Request Information
Anyone can make a FOI request, including organisations such as newspapers.
To make a request for information under the FOIA, you will need to:
- Make your request in writing to;
- Include your name;
- Include your contact information; and
- Describe the information you want and how you would like to receive it.
You do not need to explain why you want the information you have asked for, although in some circumstances it may help to identify and supply the exact answers to your questions. Providing a telephone number or an email address is also helpful but not obligatory.
Some of the information that is held by the University will have been obtained from a third party or will include reference to a third party. When considering any requests for this type of information, the third party will be consulted before supplying the information requested. If you would like to be informed before this consultation begins, please let us know when you make your request.
Failure to Comply with the Act
If you believe that Cardiff Metropolitan University has failed to comply with the Act, its Publication Scheme, or if you believe that a request you made wasn’t properly handled or you are unhappy about the outcome of the consideration given to a request, in the first instance you can request an Internal Review.
An Internal Review is a procedure to handle any disputes or complaints arising from the outcome or handling of a request for information. Internal Reviews demonstrate the University’s commitment to openness and transparency.
For more information about how the University conducts and Internal Review, please see: How to Request Information from Cardiff Metropolitan University
If you wish to request an Internal Review, please make one in writing to:
The Information Commissioner’s Office
The FOIA is enforced by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), which has the power to investigate complaints and, where necessary, order the disclosure of disputed information. The ICO can also make findings about the extent to which the University has complied with the FOIA’s procedural duties and with the statutory duty to advise and assist.
The ICO’s contact information is:
Wales Office
Information Commissioner’s Office – Wales
2nd Floor, Churchill House,
CF10 2HH
England Office
Information Commissioner’s Office,
Wycliffe House,
Water Lane,
Cheshire SK9 5AF
Get in touch with us
If you’d like to find out more about how we can help your business or have any questions about the support we can offer, then please get in touch.